Healthcare Communications Association
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Shared Experience
Past conferences
HCA Conference 2024
HCA Conference 2023
HCA Conference 2022
HCA Conference 2021
Event Recordings
Past events
Booking Help
CPD Courses - LIVE
Booking Help
CPD Standards
CPD Accreditation
Learning at Work Week 2024
Learning at Work Week 2023
Value Proposition
Guide to Inclusive Events
Diversity in Communications
DE&I and the HCA
Thinking Different Resources
A Personal Story
Under The Tree 2024
Under The Tree 2023
Mental Health, Wellbeing and the HCA
Briefing Room
Guide to Inclusive Events
Innovation Journal
AI in Action
AI Roadmap
AI Policy
Why join
Join the HCA
Register as an employee of an existing member organisation
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Consultancy / Group membership application
Members directory
Our Commitment on Discrimination
Code of conduct
Guidance on competition law
Shared Experience: Going Green: Meeting the Environmental Sustainability Challenge
Shared Experience: Sharing the patient voice on social media – obligation or risk?
Shared Experience: a return to work after a period of absence
Shared Experience: Accessible Patient Engagement: why the status quo is not good enough
Shared Experience: WHAT you communicate is science. Shouldn’t science define HOW you communicate?”
Career in Healthcare Communications – Careers Event
Shared Experience: Lunchtime Inspiration in Using the Moving Image: Creative Cram!
Shared Experience: Better representation of who? Learnings from diversity, equity, and inclusion ini
Shared Experience: use MY data - to help others and help me
Shared Experience: 2024 Edelman Trust Barometer
Shared Experience: Who Cares? How can we better support caregivers to improve patient outcomes?
CPD Course: Molecule to Marketing, An Introduction to Healthcare Communications
Shared Experience: Some things worth knowing as an agency comms practitioner
CPD Course: Understanding how clinical trial data informs and shapes healthcare communications
Shared Experience: Unlocking creativity to spark healthcare conversations
CPD Course: Pharmaceutical Industry Essentials
CPD Course: Effective Storytelling in Healthcare Communications
Shared Experience: Thinking Different – Welcoming and Celebrating Neurodiversity in Healthcare Commu
Shared Experience: Should we still be talking about Women's Health biases?
Annual Members' Meeting
Introducing The Academy
In conversation with Endpoints News Senior Editor, Amber Tong
Shared Experience: Visualising Health: How Data Visualisation and AI Revolutionise Medical Communica
CPD Course: Part 2 of Medical Communications Planning
Shared Experience: Launching the HCA’s new Evaluation Value Proposition
CPD Course: Molecule to Marketing, An Introduction to Healthcare Communications
How Behavioural Science can help put people at the heart of healthcare communications
CPD Course: AI for Healthcare Marketing
Thriving through the Menopause
CPD Course: Pharmaceutical Industry Essentials
CPD Courses - LIVE
Shared Experience
Past conferences
HCA Conference 2024
HCA Manchester Conference 2024 (VIRTUAL): Healthcare Technology and Communications
HCA London Conference 2024 (VIRTUAL): Determinants of Health and Considerations for Communications
HCA Conference 2023
HCA Conference 2022
HCA Conference 2021
Event Recordings
Me and my menoPAUSE
Passion in Practice: Exploring the Benefits of Pro Bono Working
CPD Course: Influencing & Negotiation Skills
How to Make Organisational Change Work
In conversation with Oncology Central Senior Editor, Jade Parker
Insights from Media Medic: Dr Philippa Kaye
CPD Course: AI for Healthcare Marketing
2023 Edelman Trust Barometer: Navigating A Polarised World
Patient Partnership Index
Effective Storytelling in Healthcare Communications
Molecule to Marketing, An Introduction to Healthcare Communications
‘Whose career is it anyway?’ – Goal setting and development
My CPD – the Continuing Professional Development standards expected for healthcare communicators
Communication in times of unprecedented change
Inclusive and Accessible Communications
In conversation with The Guardian science correspondent, Linda Geddes
Pharma GPT
Under The Tree 2023
Health More Human™ – The Power of the Patient Influencer
New HCA Best Practice Guide To Pro Bono Working
Annual Members' Meeting
Pharmaceutical Industry Essentials
Molecule to Marketing, An Introduction to Healthcare Communications
Mastering the Art of Leadership Communication
Pharmaceutical Industry Essentials
Building Public Trust in the Use of Patient Data
Insights from NHS Surgeon and Social Media Educator: Dr Karan Rangarajan
The Microbiome Explained
Medical Communications Planning
The Role of Social Prescribing in Personalised Care
Insights from Media Medic and GP Dr Ellie Cannon
Understanding Healthcare Systems in Europe and their impact on Communication Strategy
Effective Storytelling in Healthcare Communications
Molecule to Marketing, An Introduction to Healthcare Communications
Successfully Cultivating and Communicating Creativity and Innovation
Presentation Skills: Giving Truly Persuasive Presentations Cost: £250
Understanding and Influencing Behaviour: Applying key behaviour change models
Trust Barometer
The Power of Podcasts
Conversations about Leadership
The Better Research for Better Outcomes White Paper Presentation, by the Ethical Medicines Industry
The Science of Inspiration - Team Cohesion and Satisfaction of Psychological Needs
A Life in a Day: Asthma
A Life in a Day: Lung Cancer
DE&I Week - Matt Kaiser from Cancer Research UK
DE&I Week - Leader in Neurodiversity Diane Wass
DE&I Week - SeeAbility supports people who have learning difficulties
DE&I Week - Charlotte Shyllon - Senior Healthcare Consultant and Author of Black in White
DE&I Week - Agency and Industry Insight from Kyowa Kirin, Virgo Health and Havas Just
DE&I Week - Social Mobility Foundation promoting increased opportunity for young people
DE&I Week - Taylor Bennett Foundation promoting greater diversity in the comms industry
Briefing with Oliver Barnes, Health and Science reporter at Financial Times.
Pharmaceutical Industry Essentials
New DE&I Framework: the HCA’s Roadmap
Standards, Storytelling and Societal Change:
Psychology of Business and the Future of Work
A Life in a Day: From Patient Centricity to Patient Obsessed
Excelling in Evaluation in Healthcare
Equity in Precision Medicine
Achieving Zoom Presence
Become a Mental Health First Aider
Understanding healthcare systems in Europe and their impact on communication strategy
Mastering the Art of Leadership Communication
Creating Creativity in Communications
Creating Creativity in Communications
Annual Members' Meeting
Molecule to Marketing, An Introduction to Healthcare Communications
Effective storytelling in healthcare communications
Pharmaceutical Industry Essentials
Good COP Bad COP? What does sustainability mean for pharmaceuticals and communications?
Principles-Based Decision Making
Handling Mental Health Conversations
Purposeful Communication and Communicating Purpose
Become a Mental Health First Aider
New HCA guide for best practice in digital project creation
The Future of Healthcare: Are we entering a golden age?
Understanding healthcare systems in Europe and their impact on communication strategy
Evolving medical communications in a digital world
Excelling in Evaluation in Healthcare
Effective storytelling in healthcare communications
Embedding Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DE&I) into everything we do
Health Literacy: bringing it out into the open
Putting Trust to the Test
Molecule to Marketing, An Introduction to Healthcare Communications
Pharmaceutical Industry Essentials
The Future of Nudge Marketing in HCP Communications
Mastering the art of leadership communication
Making medical research understandable for everyone
Actionable Audio Ads And Other Voice Stories
Creating Creativity in Communications
Repairing the Damage Done by Fake News in Vaccine Confidence
Flying high – the power of teamwork
Understanding healthcare systems in Europe and their impact on communication strategy
Medical Communications Planning
Past events
Writing for Equity and Inclusion
Become a Mental Health First Aider
Discover Targeted TV Paid-For Communication:
Improving our resilience, mental health and well-being
Annual Meeting
In conversation with David Kyne, Communiqué’s Healthcare Communiquétor of the Year
Mastering the art of leadership communication
Briefing with Paul Gallagher, health correspondent at the i
Systematic crisis preparedness: a new approach
Effective storytelling in healthcare communications
Molecule to Marketing, An Introduction to Healthcare Communications
Pharmaceutical Industry Essentials
Creating excellent communications partnerships
Start the Year with Gravitas
Sustainability priorities for pharmaceutical businesses
Measurement and Evaluation Excellence in Communication Practice: the Barcelona Principles 3.0
Operation Reset in Practice:
Journalist Briefing with The BMJ
The view from procurement of their post-COVID world
Become a Mental Health First Aider
The European Patients’ Academy on Therapeutic Innovation (EUPATI)
Meeting Moderation in the Virtual World
Creating Creativity in Communications
Communicating risks and evidence to patients
Successful research strategies the patient community is using in times of COVID-19
Safe Space for Leaders
Emotional Resilience
Effective storytelling in healthcare communications
Building trust in healthcare in a COVID-19 world – pipedream or golden opportunity?
Helping Maintain Good Mental Health During and After the Pandemic
Briefing with Catriona Williams, talkhealth
Managing Virtual Teams - New Training Course
How Digital Opinion Leaders are changing the world of healthcare engagement
Veeva Engage Meeting for remote eCommunication
Moving Visuals for Virtual Communications
HCA’s New Social Media Guidance
Patient advocacy in a pre and post COVID-19 world; what’s the same; what’s changed?
Briefing with Ross Lydall, Evening Standard
Strategic Planning in Pre-Launch Medical Communications
What medical journalists want (and don’t want): PR Best Practice
Understanding healthcare systems in Europe and their impact on communication strategy
Effective storytelling in healthcare communications
Molecule to Marketing, An Introduction to Healthcare Communications
Molecule to Marketing, An Introduction to Healthcare Communications
Annual Members' Meeting
Pharmaceutical Industry Essentials
Pharmaceutical Industry Essentials
Designing market research to support communication strategies
Innovation in Healthcare Communications
Briefing with Journalist Lisa Melton, Nature
Briefing with Thea Jourdan,
Apprenticeship Event
Effective storytelling in healthcare communications
A Divided World and Dis-United Kingdom
Working Within Codes of Practice: BOOK BOTH DAYS
Working Within Codes of Practice: New UK & European Workshop for communicating with the public
Working Within Codes of Practice: New UK & European Workshop for communicating with HCPs
Alexa, how can you help the healthcare communications professional?
Evolving a Medical Communication Plan to Meet Different Post-launch Marketplace Scenarios
Behind the judging: An exclusive insight into all the major healthcare awards
Briefing with James Gallagher, Health and Science Correspondent for BBC News
Pharmaceutical Industry Essentials
Pharmaceutical Industry Essentials
Understanding healthcare systems in Europe and their impact on communication strategy
Persuasion & Negotiation Skills
Strategic Planning in Pre-Launch Medical Communications
Molecule to Marketing, An Introduction to Healthcare Communications
Molecule to Marketing, An Introduction to Healthcare Communications
The evolving healthcare systems across Europe
Effective Creativity in Communications
Moving your visual communications on
HCA Annual Members' Meeting - Free Members Only Event
Business Writing for Account Handlers
Everything Veeva, now and in the future
Briefing with Rachel Moss, Reporter, HuffPost UK
Devolved Partnerships in English Health and Social Care: A New Era for the NHS?
Procurement: The inside track on the future
Moving your visual communications on
Edelman Trust Barometer
Molecule to Marketing, An Introduction to Healthcare Communications
Pharmaceutical Industry Essentials
Evolving a Medical Communication Plan to Meet Different Post-launch Marketplace Scenarios
Pharmaceutical Industry Essentials
Briefing with Ben Hirschler, Reuters News
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Effective Creativity in Patient Engagement Communications
ABPI Code Training for Novices
Top-up 2018 ABPI Code update for experienced practitioners
Navigating the complexities of Market Access in Europe
Molecule to Marketing, An Introduction to Healthcare Communications
Persuasion & Negotiation Skills
Strategic Planning in Pre-Launch Medical Communications
Behind the judging: Communiqué Awards
Pharmaceutical Industry Essentials
Let’s talk Code of Practice
Evolving a Medical Communication Plan to Meet Different Post-launch Marketplace Scenarios
Communicating Behaviour Change: Dr Tom Kenny BM, MSc-PH(HSM), MFPH, MBA
Speed Mentoring Members' Networking Event
Breakfast Briefing with Laura Donnelly
Molecule to Marketing, An Introduction to Healthcare Communications
Top-up 2017 ABPI Code update for experienced practitioners
Code Training for Novices
Molecule to Marketing, An Introduction to Healthcare Communications
Strategic Planning in Medical Communications
Pharmaceutical Industry Essentials
Pharmaceutical Industry Essentials
HCA AGM 2013
Pharmaceutical Industry Essentials
MEET THE PRESS - Fergus Walsh, Medical Correspondent for the BBC
Client Insights Forum
Molecule to Marketing, An Introduction to Healthcare Communications
MEET THE PRESS - Stephen Robinson, GP magazine
Associate Members Network Meeting
Pharmaceutical Industry Essentials
Strategic Planning in Medical Education: HCA Training Course
Effective communication in digital and social media
Molecule to Marketing, An Introduction to Healthcare Communications
Pitching to Win
Evolving a Medical Communication Plan to Meet Different Post-launch Marketplace Scenarios
Pharmaceutical Industry Essentials
Market Access Seminar 1, 'The National Perspective', with guest speaker Meindert Boysen, NICE
HCA 2014 AGM
Pharmaceutical Industry Essentials
Strategic Planning in Media and Stakeholder Communications
Strategic Planning in Medical Education: HCA Training Course
Pharmaceutical Industry Essentials
Journalist Breakfast Briefing, Ella Pickover, Press Association
Pitching to Win
Evolving a Medical Communication Plan to Meet Different Post-launch Marketplace Scenarios
Journalist Breakfast Briefing, Beezy Marsh
Client Insights Forum
Pharmaceutical Industry Essentials
HCA Public Affairs Dragons’ Den
HCA 2015 Annual Members' Meeting
Market Access Seminar with Andrew White, Change Programme Director at North West Commissioning Suppo
Pharmaceutical Industry Essentials
'Molecule to Marketing', An Introduction to Healthcare Communications, hosted by GSK
HCA Public Affairs Training, 30th April 2015
Effective communication in digital and social media, 20th May 2015
Journalist Breakfast Briefing with Caroline Price, Clinical Reporter at Pulse
Code Training
Top-up 2015 ABPI Code update for experienced practitioners
Pitching to Win
Strategic Planning in Medical Communications
Pharmaceutical Industry Essentials
European pharmaceutical codes of practice overview and updates
Journalist Breakfast Briefing with James Gallagher, acting Health Editor, BBC News website
Speed Mentoring
Pharmaceutical Industry Essentials
HCA 2016 Annual Members' Meeting
Associate Member Code Update Training
Market Access Seminar with guest speaker Meindert Boysen, NICE
Career Goal Setting Workshop – understanding the neurology and psychology of performance
Evolving a Medical Communication Plan to Meet Different Post-launch Marketplace Scenarios
Molecule to Marketing, An Introduction to Healthcare Communications
Journalist Breakfast Briefing with Maxine Mawhinney, BBC
Pharmaceutical Industry Essentials
Members' Networking Event
HCA Code training for novices
2016 Code training for experienced communications/public affairs practitioners
HCA Breakfast Briefing with Graham Scott
Strategic Planning in Medical Communications
Pharmaceutical Industry Essentials
Joint HCA/ABPI EU transition workshop
HCA Members' Drinks
2017 HCA Annual Meeting
Pharmaceutical Industry Essentials
Breakfast Briefing with Rebecca Linssen
Media Briefing with Victoria Macdonald
Code Training for Novices
Top-up 2017 ABPI Code update for experienced practitioners
Pharmaceutical Industry Essentials
Booking Help
CPD Course: AI for Healthcare Marketing
CPD Course: Effective Storytelling in Healthcare Communications
CPD Course: Molecule to Marketing, An Introduction to Healthcare Communications
CPD Course: Influencing & Negotiation Skills
Shared Experience: Accessible Patient Engagement: why the status quo is not good enough
Career in Healthcare Communications – Careers Event
Shared Experience: Lunchtime Inspiration in Using the Moving Image: Creative Cram!
CPD Course: Pharmaceutical Industry Essentials
Shared Experience: Better representation of who? Learnings from diversity, equity, and inclusion ini
Shared Experience: use MY data - to help others and help me
Shared Experience: 2024 Edelman Trust Barometer
Shared Experience: Who Cares? How can we better support caregivers to improve patient outcomes?
CPD Course: Molecule to Marketing, An Introduction to Healthcare Communications
Shared Experience: Some things worth knowing as an agency comms practitioner
CPD Course: Understanding how clinical trial data informs and shapes healthcare communications
Shared Experience: Unlocking creativity to spark healthcare conversations
CPD Course: Pharmaceutical Industry Essentials
CPD Course: Effective Storytelling in Healthcare Communications
Shared Experience: Thinking Different – Welcoming and Celebrating Neurodiversity in Healthcare Commu
Shared Experience: Should we still be talking about Women's Health biases?
Introducing The Academy
In conversation with Endpoints News Senior Editor, Amber Tong
Shared Experience: Visualising Health: How Data Visualisation and AI Revolutionise Medical Communica
CPD Course: Part 2 of Medical Communications Planning
Shared Experience: Launching the HCA’s new Evaluation Value Proposition
CPD Course: Molecule to Marketing, An Introduction to Healthcare Communications
How Behavioural Science can help put people at the heart of healthcare communications
CPD Course: AI for Healthcare Marketing
Thriving through the Menopause
CPD Course: Pharmaceutical Industry Essentials
CPD Courses - LIVE
CPD Courses - LIVE
Me and my menoPAUSE
Passion in Practice: Exploring the Benefits of Pro Bono Working
CPD Course: Influencing & Negotiation Skills
How to Make Organisational Change Work
In conversation with Oncology Central Senior Editor, Jade Parker
Insights from Media Medic: Dr Philippa Kaye
CPD Course: AI for Healthcare Marketing
2023 Edelman Trust Barometer: Navigating A Polarised World
Patient Partnership Index
‘Whose career is it anyway?’ – Goal setting and development
My CPD – the Continuing Professional Development standards expected for healthcare communicators
Communication in times of unprecedented change
Inclusive and Accessible Communications
In conversation with The Guardian science correspondent, Linda Geddes
Pharma GPT
Under The Tree 2023
Health More Human™ – The Power of the Patient Influencer
New HCA Best Practice Guide To Pro Bono Working
Annual Members' Meeting
Pharmaceutical Industry Essentials
Molecule to Marketing, An Introduction to Healthcare Communications
Mastering the Art of Leadership Communication
Pharmaceutical Industry Essentials
Building Public Trust in the Use of Patient Data
Insights from NHS Surgeon and Social Media Educator: Dr Karan Rangarajan
The Microbiome Explained
Medical Communications Planning
The Role of Social Prescribing in Personalised Care
Insights from Media Medic and GP Dr Ellie Cannon
Understanding Healthcare Systems in Europe and their impact on Communication Strategy
Effective Storytelling in Healthcare Communications
Molecule to Marketing, An Introduction to Healthcare Communications
Successfully Cultivating and Communicating Creativity and Innovation
Presentation Skills: Giving Truly Persuasive Presentations Cost: £250
Understanding and Influencing Behaviour: Applying key behaviour change models
Trust Barometer
The Power of Podcasts
Conversations about Leadership
The Better Research for Better Outcomes White Paper Presentation, by the Ethical Medicines Industry
The Science of Inspiration - Team Cohesion and Satisfaction of Psychological Needs
A Life in a Day: Asthma
A Life in a Day: Lung Cancer
DE&I Week - Matt Kaiser from Cancer Research UK
DE&I Week - Leader in Neurodiversity Diane Wass
DE&I Week - SeeAbility supports people who have learning difficulties
DE&I Week - Charlotte Shyllon - Senior Healthcare Consultant and Author of Black in White
DE&I Week - Agency and Industry Insight from Kyowa Kirin, Virgo Health and Havas Just
DE&I Week - Social Mobility Foundation promoting increased opportunity for young people
DE&I Week - Taylor Bennett Foundation promoting greater diversity in the comms industry
Briefing with Oliver Barnes, Health and Science reporter at Financial Times.
Pharmaceutical Industry Essentials
New DE&I Framework: the HCA’s Roadmap
Standards, Storytelling and Societal Change:
Psychology of Business and the Future of Work
A Life in a Day: From Patient Centricity to Patient Obsessed
Excelling in Evaluation in Healthcare
Achieving Zoom Presence
Become a Mental Health First Aider
Understanding healthcare systems in Europe and their impact on communication strategy
Mastering the Art of Leadership Communication
Creating Creativity in Communications
Creating Creativity in Communications
Annual Members' Meeting
Molecule to Marketing, An Introduction to Healthcare Communications
Effective storytelling in healthcare communications
Pharmaceutical Industry Essentials
Good COP Bad COP? What does sustainability mean for pharmaceuticals and communications?
Principles-Based Decision Making
Handling Mental Health Conversations
Purposeful Communication and Communicating Purpose
Become a Mental Health First Aider
New HCA guide for best practice in digital project creation
The Future of Healthcare: Are we entering a golden age?
Evolving medical communications in a digital world
Excelling in Evaluation in Healthcare
Effective storytelling in healthcare communications
Embedding Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DE&I) into everything we do
Health Literacy: bringing it out into the open
Putting Trust to the Test
Molecule to Marketing, An Introduction to Healthcare Communications
Pharmaceutical Industry Essentials
The Future of Nudge Marketing in HCP Communications
Mastering the art of leadership communication
Making medical research understandable for everyone
Actionable Audio Ads And Other Voice Stories
Creating Creativity in Communications
Repairing the Damage Done by Fake News in Vaccine Confidence
Flying high – the power of teamwork
Understanding healthcare systems in Europe and their impact on communication strategy
Medical Communications Planning
Booking Help
CPD Standards
CPD Accreditation
Learning at Work Week 2024
Learning at Work Week 2023
Value Proposition
Guide to Inclusive Events
Diversity in Communications
DE&I and the HCA
Thinking Different Resources
A Personal Story
Under The Tree 2024
Under The Tree 2023
Mental Health, Wellbeing and the HCA
Briefing Room
Guide to Inclusive Events
Innovation Journal
AI in Action
AI Roadmap
AI Policy
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