The HCA's New Evaluation Value Proposition
In 2023, we spoke to senior leaders, from industry and agency, to gain insight into the challenges, perspectives, and opportunities for evaluation in healthcare communications. The summary of what we heard is published in January's PME.
You can read the summary by clicking the image below

But we did more than just listen. In response, an HCA working group from industry and agency has developed a new Evaluation Value Proposition, providing everyone who is involved in health communications with a useful guide to why measurement and evaluation is fundamental to our work, which can act as a catalyst for discussions between all stakeholders.
The Evaluation Value Proposition can be viewed by clicking the image below:

On 30th January 2024, we launched our new Evaluation Value Proposition via a live webinar to our members. The recording of that session is available to watch by clicking the image below

Let’s make 2024 the year where measurement and evaluation are better valued and become fundamental to all our communications.