Shared Experience: How to Win Awards

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Date Thursday 13th February.  12 – 1pm

Virtual Shared Experience Session: How to Win Awards

As you start preparing award entries for 2025, get the inside scope on what makes a winning entry from the organisers themselves, and previous winners.  Covering Communiqué, PharmaTimes Communications Awards and the PM Society Digital Awards, this is one session not to be missed.

Speakers to include (more to follow):

For Communiqué: Jon Pike, Founding Partner, Mearns & Pike (multi award winners), Neil Flash, Ignition Consulting and Catherine Devaney, Curious Health (Awards, Co-Chairs)

For PM Society Digital Awards: Jenny Claridge, PM Society (Organiser)

PharmaTimes Communications Awards: Brian McMunn, Strategic Marketing Consultant (Judge)

£0.00 per person (ex. VAT)

£0.00 per person (ex. VAT)

£0.00 per person (ex. VAT)

£0.00 per person (ex. VAT)
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Shared Experience: How to Win Awards

Virtual Meeting

Thu 13 Feb 2025

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM GMT
(1:00 PM - 2:00 PM CET)

12 places remaining