Return to work

Return to work

Preparing For A Period Of Absence And Supporting A Return To Work

New HCA Best Practice Guides Launched: Preparing for a period of absence and supporting a return to work

There are times when some people may need an extended absence from work. How this is managed by Employer and the person themselves, can have a significant impact on the business, colleagues and the wellbeing of the team member. Understanding what best practice can look like and the need for flexibility to match individual circumstances, is therefore a benefit for all.

The HCA, after consulting with HR professionals, and those who have personal experience of returning to work after a period of absence, have produced two new guides for Employer / Manager and Employee. We have used the great examples of best practice already existing, alongside the learnings from where things have not necessarily gone the best it could have, to produce these guides. Their aim is to help inform and catalyse best practice and ensure consistency across the sector.

There are many varied reasons for a period of absence from work, such as maternity and paternity leave, personal health issues or perhaps to care for family who themselves need extra support for health or other reasons. Our aim has been to embrace inclusivity and consider all scenarios in developing these guides. There are always nuances that should be considered, based on the individual situation, local legislation, and cultural differences. However, there are also many commonalities in principles when managing a situation where somebody may be out of the business for a period of time.

We hope you will use these best practice guides to inform yourselves and enhance your understanding, create discussion within your organisations and ultimately help ensure all stakeholders gain the best outcomes when somebody needs an extended absence from work.

The HCA would like to thank all those who have spoken with us and shared their insights and personal experiences, and also Antonia Katsambis, Independent HR Consultant who has worked with us in the development of these best practice guides.

Click the images below to access the relevant guides

Click here to access the employee form template

Click here to access the employer form template

#TogetherForBetter #ReturntoWork


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