FREE registration for all HCA members who have signed up for the 2022 Conference package.
Panel Member: Dr Marie Polley - Co-Founder and Co-Chair of the Social Prescribing Network
Panel Member: Flo Hedlam - a garden designer and currently a presenter/designer on BBC's Garden Rescue.
Panel Member: Richard Marsh - a specialist and leader in market access and health policy
Moderator: Kirsten Parr - Global Head of CMC Connect at IPG Health Medical Communications
Although it’s been around since at least the 1990s, you might not have heard of Social Prescribing. There is a renewed ambition for what it can deliver thanks to the 2019 NHS Long Term Plan that “will make personalised care ‘business as usual’ for 2.5 million people over the next five years.” Social Prescribing is seen as a key component to achieving this.
But what is Social Prescribing? How does it work? And can it really make a positive difference?
Join our panel to learn more. Dr. Marie Polley will give an overview of social prescribing, Flo Headlam will give her experience of the benefits of green social prescribing and community projects, and Richard Marsh will put this in the context of healthcare communications.
Panel Biographies:
Dr. Marie Polley - Co-Founder and Co-Chair of the Social Prescribing Network and past Chair of the British Society for Integrative Oncology, Director of Marie Polley Consultancy, and Co-Director of Meaningful Measures Ltd. Marie trained as a biomedical scientist and has a Ph.D. in molecular carcinogenesis of lung cancer. Marie also trained in Reiki whilst completing her Ph.D. and practiced as a Reiki Master for many years.
For the past 20 years, Marie has researched approaches to integrating different paradigms of health and wellbeing. Marie collaborated to develop Measure Yourself Concerns and Wellbeing (MYCaW), a person-centered tool for understanding people’s primary concerns. This tool is now accredited for use in the NHS for personalised care to enable a persons' voice to be incorporated into their consultations.
More recently Marie co-founded the Social Prescribing Network, which has led a social movement around the use of non-medical activities to support people’s wider determinants of health and provide additional routes of support to traditional pharmaceutical prescribing. Social Prescribing has now been adopted by the NHS in England and has become an international movement for change. Marie led the team to write the first national guidance, the first economic overview of social prescribing on health service usage and recently mapped all outcomes associated with social prescribing to support discussion on inclusive ways of researching and evaluating this growing field. Marie provides advice to senior leaders, Members of Parliament and the House of Lords, key stakeholders and researchers in this field.
Flo Hedlam - a garden designer and currently a presenter/designer on BBC's Garden Rescue. She lives in London and is also passionate about community gardening projects.
Richard Marsh - a specialist and leader in market access and health policy with over 20 years’ experience working in and for the pharmaceutical industry. After working initially for the UK Government as special adviser to the Secretary of State for Health, and as a consultant in public affairs, Richard was between 2001 and 2009 the Director of External Affairs and Market Access for BMS in the UK. During this period he built an integrated market access and policy team and worked across a range of therapy areas including oncology, cardiovascular medicine and mental health. Following a further period of consultancy, between 2013 and 2021 Richard was the UK/Ireland Market Access Director for Allergan, working particularly in ophthalmology and neuroscience. For most of this period he also chaired the Industry Vision Group, an alliance of ophthalmology companies working for improved policies for eye care for people in the UK. Since the start of 2022, Richard has returned to consultancy and is working on a number of market access and policy projects.
How to Book
All members who have signed up to the HCA Conference package will qualify for a free place at this event. Please login to activate your free place - which will appear online at point of booking for those members who qualify.
Registration Deadline: 12pm, Monday 3rd October
This session is kindly sponsored by IPG Health Medical Communications