aCTIVATE MEMBERSHIP As aN employee of a member organisation
Unlocking creativity to spark healthcare conversations
Dive into the strategy and creative that helped Specsavers disrupt the norm with Rick Astley’s misheard version and create a national conversation on hearing loss 🎶
OVERVIEW To start a new, less scary conversation about hearing loss and encourage people to get their hearing tested, Specsavers turned one of the most famously misheard songs into a hearing test you couldn’t ignore. Re-recording Rick Astley’s Never Gonna Give You Up with the wrong lyrics people have been mishearing for years – then releasing it by ‘Rick-Rolling’ the world and creating a national conversation on hearing loss. Join the team behind Specsavers’ disruptive audiology campaign for a conversation on creativity in healthcare and a look at the insights, strategy and creative that led to this cultural moment, as well as the learnings along the way.
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