NOTE: Late registrations will be sent a weblink around lunchtime on Thursday (or before event start)
We are delighted to welcome David McCandless from Informationisbeautiful.net as our opening keynote speaker for the HCA Conference.
Presentation synopsis:
“Information is beautiful” says keynote speaker, David McCandless. Learn more about harnessing the incredible power of data visualisation. How can we make a meaningful difference in our communications? This is most definitely the starting point!
About David:
David McCandless, founder, Information is Beautiful. David McCandless is a London-based author, data-journalist and information designer, working across print, advertising, TV and web. His blog and best-selling books, Information Is Beautiful (2009) and Knowledge is Beautiful (2014), are dedicated to visualising ideas, issues, knowledge and data - and to discovering novel patterns and stories in the seas of data swamping and surrounding us. http://www.informationisbeautiful.net @infobeautiful
About Information is Beautiful:
Data, information, knowledge: we distil it into beautiful, useful graphics & diagrams.
Founded by David McCandless, author of two bestselling infographics books, Information is Beautiful is dedicated to helping you make clearer, more informed decisions about the world. All our visualizations are based on facts and data: constantly updated, revised and revisioned.
Members have the option of purchasing a special unlimited conference registrations package, allowing all of their employees to attend all conference session throughout the year. This costs 15% of the membership fee and is available to purchase when you renew your HCA annual membership subscription. You will then be sent a unique booking code ready to input at the checkout.
To book this event only, please register via this page ('Book This Event').
Alternatively, members can book to attend all 6x conference sessions at a reduced rate here.
Note: Registered attendees will be sent the login details before the start of the event.